Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Top 5 New York Times - Bestsellers, Fiction (print and e-books between October 28, 2012 and November 11, 2012)

1. Title: The Bone Bed     
    Author: Patricia Cornwell  
   Publisher: Penguin Group
Synopsis: Author Patricia Cornwell's 20th in the 'Scarpetta' novel series, The Bone Bed is ajourney into the dinosaur age. Paleontologist Emma Shubert has suddenly gone missing in the wilderness of Canada while digging a dinosaur bone bed. Dr. Kay Scarpetta, a forensic pathologist receives a video footage in her inbox that in turn can help decode the mystery behind the missing woman. Things begin to complicate when Scarpetta encounters a number of events close to home that give her clues on Emma's disappearance. Will Scarpetta be able to join all dots or entangle herself more in the labyrinth of evidences?


2. Title: The Panther
    Author: Nelson DeMille                                            
   Publisher: Grand Central     Publishing

Synopsis: Nelson has set 'The Panther' in the year 2004 when people are still coping with the repercussions of the September 11 disaster and the suicide bomb attack on the destroyer USS Cole. Anti-terrorist task force agent John Corey and FBI officer Kay Mayfield (his wife) are on a mission in Yemen (known to be one of the most dangerous places in the Middle-East) to hunt for the killer, 'The Panther', the prime suspect (an Al-Qaeda operative) in the Cole bombing case. The thriller novel takes a new turn when we see The Panther planning another lethal attack on the United States with the knowledge that Cole and company have begun their search operation. Will the US government be successful in bringing The Panther down to dust or will they lose their federal agents in the operation?


3. Title: The Twelve
    Author: Justin Cronin
   Publisher: Random House Publishing    

 Synopsis: Justin Cronin's The Twelve, the sequel to the first book of the trilogy, The Passage, takes off after a government experiment goes horribly wrong and unfolds the story of three strangers and their lives after an apocalypse. In this book, Cronin lets the intensity deepen and hence reveals an epic story of a man-made apocalypse. Lila is a doctor and mother to be who prepares for her child's arrival in the midst of a collapsing society. Kittridge is armed but alone on the road, depending on a tank of gas to escape the violence and infection. And April is a teenager endeavouring to save her little brother from getting killed. The three strangers are stuck in a chaotic and deathly situation, each one fighting on for humankind's salvation and emerging out hopeful in the process.


4. Title: Fifty Shades of Grey 
    Author: E.L. James
    Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing

Synopsis: E.L James, a former TV journalist and mom of two in West London, fulfills her childhood dream of writing a book with Fifty Shades of Grey, the first of the trilogy, and turns into a bestselling author. Serving erotica to the audience with a plot that revolves around a drop-dead-gorgeous billionaire Christian Grey and his dangerous liaison with literature student Anastasia Steele who goes to interview the young tycoon, and ends up falling for him. They embark on a passionate physical affair while Ana unravels Grey's dark desires including her own.


5. Title: The Casual Vacancy                                           
    Author: J K Rowling
   Publisher: Little, Brown & Company                                                

Synopsis: Moving away from the world of wizards and magic wands, J K Rowling's first 'adult' novel, The Casual Vacancy is a tragicomedy set in a West Country town named Pagford. The story begins with the death of Parish Councillor Barry Fairbrother and moves to the subsequent conflict over the 'vacant' seat on the council. An inevitable war breaks out before the elections for a suitable successor and there is mayhem in the town of Pagford. The author explores multiple themes ranging from class politics, prostitution and other social issues that probably the Harry Potter Series was devoid of. Will Pagford ever get its eligible successor or will the 'vacant' seat spell inexplicable doom?


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